Baby Monitor is a game for ABDL folk and others interested in the various kinks around it. It's a game intended for adult audiences, so please leave if you're under 18.
Game Features:
* Email BabyMonitorGame[at] with a reference and some information about your OC, as well as where to credit you for your character! We're looking for Caretakers and Babyfied NPCs.
The only demo available is a huge alpha, and is still very basic right now, so it's not quite ready to play with. Check back soon for an update on when you might be able to play the game! Or just check back for new screenshots and updates!
If you'd like to playtest the alpha, playtesting is open to donors of at least $5. Donate to Kofi, then send us a screenshot via our email: BabyMonitorGame[at] to be added to an email list where you'll receive updates as soon as they're made.
A screenshot of the character creator so far, showing off the various pieces you can edit.
A screenshot of the wip gardening feature. So far you can plant the plants in the ground, but that's about it.
A screenshot of the wip town where one of the volunteer OCs is standing.
A screenshot of one of the townsfolk talking to you.
Find your rattle and get into combat with enemies! (Currently only one type of enemy in the alpha so far.)